Welcome to our new Plant Store!

Unusual plants, succulents, cacti and for your home. I offer cuttings (unrooted/rooted), plants and divisions. 

This is the final year for the greenhouse and plant business, offering plants at reasonable prices.

The greenhouse won't be officially open but visitors to the greenhouse are welcome, by chance or by appointment, please see Facebook link for contact info, either through FaceBook or email on the main page. With thanks to my customers for all your support and business, whether online or in person!



We hope you will enjoy our newly opened store! From mid-April we will be adding and offering a variety of plants, starter plants for growing your own edibles and ornamental ones for visual enjoyment. The plants are available until October each year, due to cold weather around that time preventing shipping. We will have small growing pot supplies year round. 

We have been propagating, growing, selling and shipping plants for many, many years (too many to mention!:)). We have been in our current location and greenhouse in Vermont for 11 years and have attended, and sold at, local Farmers' markets year round for the same amount of time. We have also been selling plants online (various venues) since 2003. John is the horticultural guru with much expertise, while Diane tends to the plants in the greenhouse along with the seasonal packing and shipping of the orders. Between us we have much experience which we hope will give you confidence in our products:)

You can read more about our business in this local news coverage from last year from the Keene Sentinel


*The website link at the end of the article no longer works as we are now here on Indiemade:) 




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